Hi everyone, Lucas here, and happy to finally be back with the team again.
It has been an anxious wait of late as I have been anticipating the teams arrival here in Rossland. Wednesday Night the weary travelers arrived in Warfield BC, where we all met up and shared a great meal courtesy of my mother and sister in law. We all stayed the night with my brother and his wife and 3 young energy filled boys. The team said they felt very welcome by the amazing hospitality and we are all very thankful for my mother and sister in laws amazing dinner. In the morning I nervously did an interview with the radio station KBS, which I think went great. Afterwards we made some mediocre at best pancake art for breakfast.
Then we saddled up the bikes and prepared for a big ride up a short distance. We were making the big climb up to Rossland, which as the crow flies is not very far from Warfield, but quite the vertical descent. We left in the morning with a special guest rider, my young nephew, he took us on a "secret route" and it was quite the adventure riding with him. It was a beautiful fall day, and we took advantage of the nice temperature and clear skies by riding up the old railroad tracks to Rossland. It was an amazing ride out in the wilderness, especially with all the fall colours and the leaves falling.
Eventually the group made it to Rossland, where we rode down main street triumphantly to talk with Andrew from the Rossland News. We met many helpful and kind people uptown, and the team was impressed by the Kootenay hospitality. After a quick and well deserved late lunch, we hiked up Kootenay-Columbia to get a view of Rossland, Castlegar, and Trail and view the miles the team had just conquered as well as a breathtaking sunset over the mountains to the West. We came home and enjoyed a great super of baked bean wraps, then got down to work, as the group has a lot of catch up to do.
Today has been a major work day, and it feels like a big newspaper company right before press release; lots of hustle and chaos. Tonight we are having a pot luck and talking with the Rossland Sustainability Commission about our trip and the projects they are working on in town here.
Viera and Justin went up town today and stopped in at The Nature's Den Health Food Store in Rossland where the generously donated many useful supplements.
Tomorrow we will hopefully have get some work done in the morning and then be able to enjoy a nice day around town. Thanks to everyone for reading and all the support, I hope to be updating this quite often again, take care everyone and talk to you soon, Lucas and the P.E.D.A.L. gang!
Hi Lucas and the rest of the PEDAL team, The timily kindness of others is one of the things that has struck me the most as I read your entries. I am grateful on your behalf for the goodness of these strangers. Lisa