Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Whole Village

Had an amazing day yesterday with a mix of daylighting trees atop beautiful rolling hills, picking (and eating :P) strawberries from a huge strawberry patch, and... baling hay! It was going to thunder storm later so a call went out for all hands. Justin and Lucas baled hay till 10pm! So much work, but it almost got all done. Dips in the pond nearby were also greatly enjoyed, as wa smeeting new WWOOFER Ben, a shared supper with everyone in the house, showering in their outdoor solar shower, and catching up on some reading in their amazing library. Were happy we decided to stay an extra day to help out and learn more about this community. After a quick breakfast today were biking to Flesherton (60 km away) to stay with a friend of a friend. It's our expected average mileage, but due to injury we haven't done that many kilometers yet, so it'll be a long ride.


1 comment:

  1. so you guys didn't come out to the hay medow to say good-by! my aeaky breaky little heart is broken!
    on another note, let me know when your passing through Sault st. Marie (Garet has my email)
